What a fantastic experience our first ever Role Play was. Reg, Rhino, and Shay put together a very interesting presentation for our group. With the exception of one glitch caused by SL's voice chat feature, this meeting was a smashing success.
The meeting began with group members choosing a role, then clicking on a box that gave the participant a notecard with information about their role and an outfit that corresponded with their role.
Then Reg, the moderator, directed the group to the table and the discussion began. The topic revolved around the idea of creating an Atomic Bomb museum and what each member thought the museum's focus should be. With the various roles from military leaders, teachers, scientists, survivors, and parents, the perspectives were wide ranging, which led to an in depth examination of this epic event.
From my own perspective as an observer, I learned quite a few new things, such as the names

Perhaps, most of all, I could really see how this would benefit a classroom of students both using virtual worlds or in the real world. This activity allows the students to take on a viewpoint and find out how to defend their perspective, whether they agree with it or not. In SL or in another MUVE the possibility of having the person playing the role actually look and dress the part is an easy, creative, and fun way for the students to express themselves and accuarately portray the time period.
I would really like to see this in the Teen grid in some way. I know Maggie Marat/ Peggy Sheehy has done some courtroom dramas in her class that looked very powerful.

It was just such a great experience for one and all. I think I speak for the group when I say, thanks to Reg, Rhino, and Shay for their hard work bringing this idea to the forefront.
Thanks also to the participants that boldly stepped forward and played your roles to their fullest. There were so many others that were behind the scenes, so at the risk of leaving someone out, I will leave the guys to issue their thanks.
Super idea and great meeting!
Please see our NING site for more photos!
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