Well our first meeting was very well attended. We had many new members come along and relate help start the new year off right.
The agenda was a simple one. Lets talk about what we can do to make the Virtual Pioneers better! With that in mind we gathered at the magic table on the lower floor near.
As you can see from the image, we had roughly 20 avatars attend with some coming and going. We began the meeting with introductions. An idea by Serena Offcourse! The introductions were a nice way to learn about new members and make them feel welcome. Also it offered our other members a chance to let everyone know a little more about them. I thought the intros were a smashing success with the only problem of microphone/ sound issues causing some delay. Once the introductions were over we went about our business of talking about how we can improve VP's and what our members are willing to share.
Without going into details that are posted on our VP ning site (http://virtualpioneers.ning.com) suffice it to say we have several tours and presentation ideas lined up. We will be having our meeting at ISTE to see a presentation by a Holocaust Survivor that endured the horrors of Auschwitz. Then we have Reg, Rhino, and Shay's World War II role-play that is almost developed to run. Look out for details coming soon. They have been working really hard at making this VP "First" a great success. I really appreciate all of their efforts and am looking forward to the final product. Serena, had a great idea of having a VP building 101 class before each meeting. The ideas then came fast and furious. Oronoque plans on leading a tour, with more details to come.
It turned into a really nice discussion with new ideas and positive feedback generated.
Looking forward to an awesome New Year!
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