Saturday, July 4, 2009

NECC 2009- Washington DC

Union Station-Washington DC

Well, NECC 09 is over and I thought I would just give a quick blurb about it as it relates to the Virtual Pioneers. For those not familiar NECC is the one of the biggest technology in education conferences. (Is it the biggest?) Well, anyway, I was able to attend because I submitted a proposal to discuss our efforts with the Virtual Pioneers. My proposal was accepted as a poster presentation which, for the first time presenting was perfect. Poster sessions, are made up of a variety of presenters inhabiting a large hall and discussing their ideas, lessons, projects, etc. It is more informal so that attendees can walk around freely and stop and chat, grab some materials, or listen to you give a presentation. You were provided with a table, presentation screen and a poster display.

I really had my hands full with this as many people stopped up and were very curious about our endevours. I brought with me 150 newsletters, and they were all gone by the end of the 2 hour presentation slot. Carrilin Heliosense, helped me in out by being the "Meet the Director" person. We had a laptop set up just so she could demonstrate Second Life and how history Museums can effectively use SL for educational purposes. Special thanks to Carri for taking the time out of her day and helping a geek in need!

My presentation in general, highlighted the genesis of the Virtual Pioneers and then talked about our goals and especially the great things our members have done. Such as:
  • Serena's Building class
  • Rhino, Shay, and Reg's Role play
  • Our costume frolic
  • Guest speakers: Fannie Starr and Kimmer
  • Landmark tours and tourguides: The list is so long!
Overall, I think people were tremendously interested and impressed. I would really like to thank all of the Virtual Pioneer members for making this a successful presentation. It is your efforts and creativity that made me look good, and I am so appreciative. I am hoping to push the envelope a little further next year and try for a more formal presentation.

Lastly, I want to tell you about meeting some SL Virtual Pioneers in RL. Wow! As I expected, the people I met were as lively, fun, and engaging, as I assumed you would be. The VSTE gang of Thunder, Mandie, Al, and Jazmemo, were so kind, and boy did they give a great presentation about using SL for professional development. Peggy Sheehy of course was amazing and gave such an inspiring presentation about using the Teen grid and overall, just using technology effectively to benefit our children. DrM Magic, Massimino Ragu, Julie Sugarplum, and Jupiter Martian, were my after hours buddies. They invited me out to a few late night dinners and um... beverages, out on the DC town. I found myself incredibly boring, quiet, and was content to just sit and listen to the great conversation going on around me. Too bad Massimino can't bring his magic show into SL! Then again maybe he can. I toast all of you.

Well that should about do it. It was a memorable conference, and oh so tiring.

Whitield...... out.
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